about BODY

Somatic proprioception is as an entirely sub-personal, non conscious function. In this sense, it delivers information about body posture and limb position, generated in physiological proprioceptors located throughout the body(Sherrington,1953). Proprioceptively aware of one's own body, to consciously know where one's limbs are at any particular time as one moves through the world(Johnstone,1998). Therefore, proprioception can mean either non conscious information or a form of conscious awareness.  In this performance, I maintain the distinction between proprioceptive information and proprioceptive awareness, respectively. It all demands on you.

Art Adviser: Ayça Gülçin Ülgen
Choreography/ video: Erdem Gunduz
Dancers: Seyhan Baysoy
              Canan Yucel
              Erdem Gunduz
Music:   Alva Noto
             Arvo Part
Dramaturgy: Duygu Seda Tomru, Suzan Mihladiz
Duration: 26’